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姓 名:单莉莉




单莉莉,哈尔滨工业大学博士,太阳成集团tyc122cc讲师、硕士生导师。主持参与国家级、省部级、厅局级、横向课题10余项,在国内外主流期刊发表学术论文20余篇,以第一/通讯作者发表SCI 10余篇,授权专利4项。指导学生获学科竞赛(挑战杯、“互联网+”、全国大学生节能减排、“深水杯”等)国家级奖项4项、省级奖项2项。




1. 主持在研江西省自然科学基金面上基金项目(20232BAB204096)

2. 主持在研江西省教育厅科技研究项目一般项目(GJJ2200645)

3. 主持在研上海市城市化生态过程与生态恢复重点实验室开放基金(SHUES2023A06)

4. 主持在研企业自主课题(HX2022-261)

5. 主持完成江西省自然科学基金青年基金项目(20212BAB214006)

6. 主持完成江西省教育厅科技项目青年项目(GJJ180342)

7. 参与在研国家自然科学基金地区基金项目(52360017)

8. 参与在研江西省教育厅科技研究项目一般项目(GJJ2200652)

9. 参与在研江西省教育厅科技研究项目一般项目(GJJ2200606)

10. 参与在研企业自主课题(HX2020-325)

11. 参与完成国家自然科学基金杰出青年科学基金项目(51125033)

12. 参与完成国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(51608198)

13. 参与完成江西省自然科学基金青年基金项目(20161BAB216138)

14. 参与完成黑龙江省科技攻关项目(WB10A401)


1. Li‑li Shan, Xiajun Bao, Siyang Xu, Zebing Zhu, Yunyan Pei, Wanjun Zheng, Yixing Yuan. Biofilm formation and chlorine resistance of microbial communities in household drinking water system: preliminary idea of using bacteria to control bacteria, Process Biochemistry, 2024

2. Li‑li Shan, Zhao Tan, Yu Chen, Ruo‑shan Wang, Meng Zhang, Chang‑long Pang, Yu‑Hong Cui, Zhi‑min Liao, Hong‑qiang Ma, Ze‑bing Zhu. Biodegradability enhancement of waste lubricating oil regeneration wastewater using electrocoagulation pretreatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2023,2984:1-7(DOI10.1007/s11356-023-29841-7)

3. Lili Shan, Siyang Xu, Yunyan Pei, Zebing Zhu, Linyan Xu, Xiaohua Liu, Yixing Yuan. Effect of domestic pipe materials on microbiological safety of drinking water: Different biofilm formation and chlorination resistance for diverse pipe materials, Process Biochemistry, 2023, 129: 11-21

4. Lili Shan, Junfeng Liu, John J. Ambuchi, Yanling Yu, Linlin Huang, Yujie Feng. Investigation on decolorization of biologically pretreated cellulosic ethanol wastewater by electrochemical method, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323: 455-464

5. Lili Shan, Zhaohan Zhang, Yanling Yu, John Justo, Ambuchi, Yujie Feng. Performance of CSTR-EGSB-SBR system for treating sulfate-rich cellulosic ethanol wastewater and microbial community analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24(16): 14387-14395

6. Lili Shan, Junfeng Liu, Yanling Yu, John J. Ambuchi, Yujie Feng. Characterization of persistent colors and decolorization of effluent from biologically treated cellulosic ethanol production wastewater, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23(10): 10215-10222

7. Lili Shan; Yanling Yu, Zebing Zhu, Wei Zhao, Haiman Wang, John J.Ambuchi, Yujie Feng. Microbial community analysis in a combined anaerobic and aerobic digestion system for treatment of cellulosic ethanol production wastewater, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2015, 22(22): 17789-17798

8. Zebing Zhu, Lili Shan1, Xinyun Zhang, Fengping Hu, Dan Zhong, Yixing Yuan, Jie Zhang. Effects of bacterial community composition and structure in drinking water distribution systems on biofilm formation and chlorine resistance. Chemosphere, 2021, 264(1): 128410.

9. Zebing Zhu, Lili Shan1*, Xiaosheng Li, Fengping Hu, Yixing Yuan, Dan Zhong, Jie Zhang. Effects of interspecific interactions on biofilm formation potential and chlorine resistance: Evaluation of dual-species biofilm observed in drinking water distribution systems. Journal of Water Process Engineering, 2020, 38: 101564.

10. Zebing Zhu, Lili Shan*, Feng ping Hu, Zehua Li, Dan Zhong, Yixing Yuan, Jie Zhang. Biofilm formation potential and chlorine resistance of typical bacteria isolated from drinking water distribution systems. RSC Advances, 2020,10: 31295.


1. 单莉莉;罗振宇;祝泽兵;等, 零耗能零排放高效层叠式堆肥种植一体化家用装置, 2023-1-10,中国, ZL202111359004.5 (专利)

2. 单莉莉;罗振宇;祝泽兵;等, 果蔬垃圾堆肥与光伏补光种植一体化阶梯式装置,2023-4-7,中国, ZL 202111359433.2 (专利)

3. 祝泽兵;吴立韬;单莉莉;等, 一种全自动式建筑雨水膜分离与智能反馈反冲洗系统,2020-9-22,中国, ZL202020003125.0 (专利)

4. 祝泽兵;肖蔚粤;单莉莉;等, 一种全自动式高层建筑雨水分离与多级利用系统, 2020-8-4,中国, ZL202020003126.5 (专利)

